THIS IS EXCITING! Okay, first thing is first - make sure you are a Brand Partner! Super easy - hop over here and buy the Business Essentials Kit.
It is $1, and includes:
RISE booklet: a step-by-step guide with tips, training videos, and worksheets
RISE 90-day planner: a planning calendar for setting and tracking your business goals
RISE to Royal brochure: a guide through the perks that await you at every rank within YL
YL Insights card: a snapshot of how YL Insights can help you manage your business
Silver Bound flyer: a road map for structuring your team for success
90-day trial to MyYL: a must-have for building your business website and sharing YL
It is SO, SO important to make sure our friends know how to use their oils, and know where to get their questions answered. Here is what I do:)
1. Send a welcome e-mail to them! (sample email) and attach the following checklists (I send both!)
2. Show them how to sign up for our Member’s Only Education HERE.
3. Add them to Oils | Modern (ask your enroller how to do this!) and tag them in the ANNOUNCEMENTS in Oils | Modern on Facebook
4. If it’s your jam, send a welcome kit to them. My welcome kit consists of a Modern Handbook, Kids Booklet, an empty roller, and some veggie capsules!
(click on images below for links)
5. Send them the ShareYL website so they can see their Friends & Family 10% off code and how they’ll earn 25% in product credit. If they are a new BP, send them the Live, Share, Grow Young Living Training.
6. Send new builders our Modern Business Training so they can start sharing!
1. A Modern Handbook
Some people send a Field Guide only. I think that is a great idea! The more people have the resources to learn for themselves, the better! Use code for free mini: LSPDAHA