Welcome to Modern+Co!
And I am so happy you’re here!
Here is a little bit on who I am and how the heck you got here.
Just over 6.5 years ago, I was just coming back from maternity leave after having Grey. We had spent the most blissful 3 months together, snuggling on the couch, taking long naps together, and just staring at each other’s faces. I was ready to go back to work, because I love my job, I missed my co-workers, and I needed to stop baking muffins from my Martha Stewart cookbook every freaking day. (Her zucchini muffin recipe is basically a cupcake and it is LIIIIFE)
But another huge part of it was I HAD to go back to work, like most of us do. I was a busy hairstylist, co-owner of Culture Hair Studio, and worked full-time making a good living. Chris had a corporate job, and was working late hours and early mornings.
And I needed to start getting a paycheck again, because taking three months off work ain’t cheap. And you KNOW I didn’t stop my weekly (daily…) Target runs. And I definitely didn’t stop my trips to Hatch (@brittany used to own a bomb ass children’s store!) to buy Grey the most adorable clothes and beanies and shoes and pajamas. So yeah, I needed my paycheck again, as well as the social connection and creativity that work brings me.
Oh, and we were $60,000 in debt so yeah I needed that paycheck. Bad.
Grey was a great sleeper (thank you BW) but was waking up at 5am every morning, and mama don’t play like that. Many of you know my story, but if you don’t, I kept seeing essential oils pop up in conversations in one of the Facebook groups I was in for new moms. I saw different moms post about them prob five times and thought they were batshit crazy every time.
By the fourth or fifth time, I was SUPER skeptical about them, but intrigued, and I asked my friend Echo about it. Then, I researched the HELL out of them (I had SO many questions. What was different between YL and Doterra? Whole Foods brand? ANY brand? Why have I read that oils aren’t safe on kids? Was that true?), and I finally ordered my starter kit after realizing I didn’t feel safe using any other oils on my sweet newborn baby boy except for Young Living. (Did you know that a company can write 100% pure essential oils on a label, but only actually use a fraction of that of inferior essential oil and then fill the rest of the bottle with synthetics and chemicals that can irritate or burn you and your child's skin? YEAH. Truth. If you physically can't go walk onto some the farms and distilleries where your oils are grown and harvested and tested and distilled and tested again and THEN bottled - then stay far far away from them. The standards YL uses for all their oils is unmatched.- www.modernandco.com/blog/whyyoungliving)
The first night we used our new oils, Grey slept 12 hours, and so did I. It was freaking magical. ❤️
And then my friends started asking me about oils. And if I sold them. I was all “HAAAEELLLLLLL NO.” but of course I answered their questions. And then Echo told me all about how we do things differently. No salesy, weird, network marketing crap. No cold calling people. No parties. No bugging my friends to buy stuff they don’t want or need. Just using and loving my oils and my natural products. And when friends asked me about them, I could teach them what I knew (and if I didn’t know it - which is a LOT of things - I could help them figure out where to find the answer with our kick ass resources) and I could help them get their own account so they could grab their own kit. I never had to hold inventory, or mail stuff, or buy things for people. All I had to do was help my friends get on their own wellness journey, when they asked.
Okay, I was in. I started this as a way to help my friends, and if I got my oils paid for, awesome. Guys. This five year journey has turned into something SO MUCH MORE than that. It’s turned into THIS community. (240,000 families as of April 2021😳😭❤️)
It’s helping people live better lives. Both in their health AND financially. It’s lifting up people and teaching them about abundance. Empowering others to do big scary things and set big scary goals. Freedom for their families. Moms and dads staying home from work to be with their kids while making more in a month than they paid in a year at their old jobs. Money is NOT a dirty word like some people have led us to believe. This world needs help and it needs GOOD people with money to do it. Money in the hands of good people doing good things is what it’s gonna take to change the world.
Make sure to hop into our Business group on FB to see a little more what this looks like in depth! (www.youngliving.com/ids)
What. The. Heckkkkk.
All I did was use my oils, ditch the toxic crap in my home and replace it with healthier options, use my oils, love my oils, and when people asked me about what we were doing - I just educated them. Over and over and this community grew and grew. And it's not just me - THOUSANDS of families on our team are doing the same. Walking away from debt they don't want or need, spending more quality time with their beloveds, helping those who need it, giving big to causes they love, and helping others feel the same. It's like nothing I've ever experienced.
Money in the hands of good people doing good things is what it’s gonna take to change the world.
Love ALL your faces and we are SO HAPPY YOU'RE HERE! And I cannot wait for you to see these little and big freedoms change your life, and watch you make big giant ripples in this world. ❤️