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Hey! Iā€™m Chelsea and this is my sweet baby girl Cecilia, husband Jay and dog Dutch! I am super passionate about living a life of wellness in all aspects. After being diagnosed with Lyme Disease in my early twenties, I decided to cut out anything not serving me as far as what I put in and on my body. I shifted my food choices and my body and care products drastically. My efforts were to make myself feel well again physically and emotionally. I started with Young Living around this time and boy was I shocked at the power of these oils. I have been using them for just about everything ever since. I love sharing what I know with others and helping people start their own oily lifestyle. Some other things that give me joy are sipping lattes from a local coffee shop, spending time with my family, riding the peloton while semi dancing on it, practicing yoga, and trying out new breweries with my husband.