I am a mama of three. Two boys and a girl..and married to my super supportive, High School Sweetheart (crazy right?). I am a retired baby shop owner, wellness seeker, light bringer, recovering chaos-conductor.
I WILL do everything I can to keep my family healthy the best way I know how. And this, this isn’t because someone told me to do it, because it’s cool and trendy or I’m trying to sell something, but because, you see, this is MY life and I share it because this is was worked for us. It worked again and again and again. Because this is just what the world needs—-an alternative to everything it’s been given for years. A choice. A chance to do better.
Before oils I was in a dark place, I took a look at the life I was living, and made intentional changes to our health and wellness and eliminated toxic products and people and mindset and naturally people noticed. I created a home filled with love and products that support our bodies and wellness. I have been using oils for almost three years, sharing with friends for almost two...I am a Crown Diamond leader with Young Living and I don't see this stopping anytime I will continue to do whatever I need to keep my family healthy, and I hope you are inspired to do the same.